What career can I follow if I'm doing the following subjects?

Anything you want.

What jobs are available for me if doing this subjects

What can i become

A geologist

To determine which career you can follow based on the subjects you are currently studying, you need to consider the knowledge and skills gained from those subjects. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Identify your subjects: Make a list of the subjects you are studying or have studied.

2. Analyze each subject: For each subject, take note of the key topics, concepts, and skills you have learned. Consider any practical applications or real-world connections associated with those subjects.

3. Research potential careers: Use online resources, career exploration websites, or career guidance books to search for careers that align with the subjects you are studying. Look for positions that require or are related to the knowledge and skills you have acquired.

4. Consider career clusters: Explore career clusters or broad occupational categories that encompass several related jobs. These clusters can provide insight into various career options associated with similar subject areas.

5. Seek guidance: Consult with school counselors, teachers, or career advisors who can provide personalized advice based on your specific subjects, interests, and aspirations.

Remember, while subjects can provide a foundation for certain career pathways, they do not necessarily restrict your options. Many careers require a combination of different subjects or skills, and there is often room for specialization or further education in a specific field.