1,020 students attended the homecoming game. If this 85% of the student body, how many students are there in all?

0.85x = 1,020

Solve for x.


To find the total number of students, we need to divide the number of students who attended the homecoming game by the percentage of the student body that they represent.

Let's start by finding the number of students who attended the game. Given that 85% of the student body attended, we can calculate this as:

85% of the student body = (85/100) * Total number of students

We can represent the total number of students as "X", so the equation becomes:

(85/100) * X = 1,020

To solve for X (total number of students), we can multiply both sides of the equation by 100/85 to cancel out the 85/100. This gives us:

X = (1,020 * 100) / 85

Evaluating the right side of the equation, we get:

X = 1200

Therefore, there are a total of 1,200 students in all.