1. Alexander Calder invented this type of art.

fiber art
mobiles ********
public art

2. Today, decisions in planning, selecting, and/or creating an artwork for public display are made in the following way.

They are the decision of the artist.
by collaboration among the community, artist, and local government ******
they are the decision of the mayor or local leader.
through voting by the local community

3. The Great Wall of Los Angeles chronicles and illustrates this part of California history.

a. the civil rights struggle
b. writing of the U.S. constitution
c. stories of people trying to be recognized
d. French explorers and discoveries
both a and d
both a and c ******

4. The Walt Disney Concert Hall is located in this city.

(Washington, D.C.
New York, New York
Los Angeles, California ******
Las Vegas, Nevada

5. This artist designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Frank Lloyd Wright
Robert Smithson
Frederick Law Olmstead
Frank O. Gehry ********

6. Besides having good design sense, this is essential to being a successful interior designer.

writing skills
carpentry skills
organization *********

7. When selecting fabrics, interior designers look at these characteristics of a fabric.

line, shape, and pattern
line, texture, and pattern
form and rhythm
color, texture, and pattern *********

8. This is NOT one of the purposes of architecture.

create dwellings
create structures for recreation
create structures for prayer
create structures for exploration *********

9. Alexander Calder was so productive in his lifetime, he created this estimated number of artworks.

15,000 *******

10. This is the double challenge for architects.

create works that are pleasing and useful **********
create works that are pleasing and expressive
create works that are inexpensive and useful
create works that are inexpensive and expressive

looks good to me.

are You sure! :?

Yes, of course. It is difficult to estimate his artwork total, as he made a lot of Jewelry (thousands of pieces)

Of course he's sure that the answers look good to him! But he hasn't studied your textbook, so can't be positive that your answers are the same as your book's author's answers.

All are correct, just took the test using your answers and I got 100% on it.(:

To answer question 1, "Alexander Calder invented this type of art," you can look up information about Alexander Calder and his contributions to the art world. A quick search would reveal that Alexander Calder is known for inventing mobiles. Therefore, the correct answer is mobiles.

For question 2, "Today, decisions in planning, selecting, and/or creating an artwork for public display are made in the following way," you can think about how decisions for public art displays are typically made. One way to find the answer is to consider common practices in the art world. Collaboration among the community, artist, and local government is a common approach to decision-making for public art. Therefore, the correct answer is "by collaboration among the community, artist, and local government."

To answer question 3, "The Great Wall of Los Angeles chronicles and illustrates this part of California history," you can examine the purpose and subject matter of the Great Wall of Los Angeles. Considering the options provided, the answer appears to be either "the civil rights struggle" or "stories of people trying to be recognized." By doing further research on the Great Wall of Los Angeles, you would discover that it is indeed a mural that chronicles and illustrates the history of civil rights struggles in California. Therefore, the correct answer is "both a and c" (both the civil rights struggle and stories of people trying to be recognized).

For question 4, "The Walt Disney Concert Hall is located in this city," you should be familiar with the location of the Walt Disney Concert Hall. If you are unsure, you can search for the Walt Disney Concert Hall and find out that it is located in Los Angeles, California. Therefore, the correct answer is "Los Angeles, California."

To answer question 5, "This artist designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall," you can search for information about the architect of the Walt Disney Concert Hall. It will lead you to the answer that Frank O. Gehry is the artist who designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Therefore, the correct answer is "Frank O. Gehry."

For question 6, "Besides having good design sense, this is essential to being a successful interior designer," you can consider the skills and qualities needed in the field of interior design. By logical deduction, organization would be essential for managing and executing interior design projects effectively. Therefore, the correct answer is "organization."

To answer question 7, "When selecting fabrics, interior designers look at these characteristics of a fabric," you can consider the factors that interior designers typically evaluate when choosing fabrics. Looking at the options provided, color, texture, and pattern are all important characteristics that interior designers consider. Therefore, the correct answer is "color, texture, and pattern."

For question 8, "This is NOT one of the purposes of architecture," you can examine the provided options and identify which one does not align with the purposes of architecture. Creating structures for exploration seems out of place compared to the other options, which focus on creating spaces for living, recreation, and prayer. Therefore, the correct answer is "create structures for exploration."

To answer question 9, "Alexander Calder was so productive in his lifetime, he created this estimated number of artworks," you can search for information about Alexander Calder's prolific art career and estimate the number of his artworks. By researching, you will find that Alexander Calder created an estimated 15,000 artworks during his lifetime. Therefore, the correct answer is "15,000."

For question 10, "This is the double challenge for architects," you can consider the role and responsibilities of architects. Architects need to create structures that are both pleasing and useful, as they should incorporate aesthetic appeal while providing practical functionality. Therefore, the correct answer is "create works that are pleasing and useful."