How would I find the collision frequency factor with this information?

Slope- -8111.4
EA- 74089.36 j/mol
y-int 24.897
1/T .003

To find the collision frequency factor, you need to use the Arrhenius equation, which relates the reaction rate constant (k) to the activation energy (EA), temperature (T), and the collision frequency factor (A):

k = A * e^(-EA/RT)

k is the rate constant,
A is the collision frequency factor,
EA is the activation energy,
R is the gas constant (8.314 J/(mol·K)),
T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

Given the slope (m) of -8111.4, the y-intercept (b) of 24.897, and 1/T value of 0.003, you can determine the collision frequency factor (A) using the following steps:

Step 1: Convert 1/T to Kelvin:
- 1/T = 0.003,
- T = 1/(0.003) = 333.33 K.

Step 2: Calculate the value of EA/RT:
- EA = 74089.36 J/mol,
- R = 8.314 J/(mol·K),
- EA/RT = (74089.36 J/mol) / (8.314 J/(mol·K) * 333.33 K) = 27.94.

Step 3: Plug the slope (m), y-intercept (b), and EA/RT into the equation:
- m = -8111.4,
- b = 24.897,
- Plug these values into the equation: -8111.4 = A * e^(-27.94).

Step 4: Solve for the collision frequency factor (A):
- Divide both sides of the equation by e^(-27.94):
-8111.4 / e^(-27.94) = A.

Using a scientific calculator or computer program, evaluate e^(-27.94), which equals approximately 2.2961 x 10^(-13). Then divide -8111.4 by this value to find A:

A ≈ -8111.4 / (2.2961 x 10^(-13)).

Performing the calculation, you will find that the collision frequency factor (A) is approximately 3.53 x 10^10.

Therefore, based on the given information, the collision frequency factor (A) is approximately 3.53 x 10^10.