Where can I find review and exams and questions to practice for this exam? Thanks. Oh and also, where can I find the schedule for the exam dates of it?

You can use regentsprep on the web to access review and practice exams. The exam dates can be found by looking up nysed under exam schedule (the integrated Algebra regents is on June 17, 2008)

Good Luck!

To find review materials, exams, and practice questions for your exam, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by checking your course syllabus or asking your instructor if they have provided any recommended review materials or practice resources. They may have specific suggestions tailored to your course.

2. Check your textbook or any additional study materials that were assigned during the course. Textbooks often include practice questions and sample exams to help you prepare.

3. Utilize online resources such as educational websites, forums, or online learning platforms. Some popular websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, Quizlet, or Study.com provide study materials and practice questions for a wide range of subjects.

4. Search for previous exams from the same course or subject. Many universities and educational institutions have online databases where they store past exams. Reach out to your professor, teaching assistant, or classmates to see if they have access to any previous exams that you can use for practice.

5. Join study groups or online communities related to your course. Collaborating with peers can be beneficial as they may have compiled their own review materials or have additional resources to share.

Regarding the schedule for exam dates, you can find this information by following these steps:

1. Consult your course syllabus: The exam dates are typically mentioned in the syllabus provided by your instructor at the beginning of the course.

2. Check the course website or online learning management system (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle) where your course is hosted. Instructors usually post important announcements, including exam dates and schedules.

3. Contact your instructor or teaching assistant directly if you cannot locate the exam schedule through the above methods. They will be able to provide you with the necessary information.

Remember to always refer to official sources such as your instructor, course materials, and reputable educational websites to ensure you have accurate and up-to-date information regarding review materials and exam schedules.