My instructions are to choose the sentence that has the prepositional phrase underlined." part underlined"

1. I didn't want "to trust" her at the beginning.
2. The house "on the hill" was completely destroyed by fire.
3. In the early evening, the moon "came out."
4. "Throw down" the blanket, please.

A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. Which do you think is the sentence with a prepositional phrase?

I think the correct sentence is number

2, "on the hill."

To identify the sentence that has the prepositional phrase "part underlined," we need to analyze each sentence and look for a phrase that includes a preposition followed by a noun phrase. Let's go through each option:

1. I didn't want "to trust" her at the beginning.
- This sentence includes an infinitive phrase "to trust," but it does not contain a prepositional phrase.

2. The house "on the hill" was completely destroyed by fire.
- This sentence includes the prepositional phrase "on the hill" since it starts with the preposition "on" and is followed by a noun phrase "the hill."

3. In the early evening, the moon "came out."
- This sentence includes the prepositional phrase "in the early evening" since it starts with the preposition "in" and is followed by a noun phrase "the early evening."

4. "Throw down" the blanket, please.
- This sentence does not contain any underlined prepositional phrase.

Based on the analysis, the sentence that has the prepositional phrase "part underlined" is sentence number 2: "The house 'on the hill' was completely destroyed by fire."