Obtain the governing equation for a viscous unidirectional flow in a circular pipe. Use the navier-stokes equations and employ the cylindrical coordinates.

direction of the flow: z
cylinder radius: r
angle: a

You have got to be kidding :)

That is far too much for me to produce here but below is a link to the subject worked out:

by the way, results are not a function of angle a (theta). All partial derivatives wrt theta are assumed zero.

Yea i assumed that you would provide a link to a similar subject that's why i asked here:)

Anyway i just assumed the instructor was asking how to produce the Hagen–Poiseuille eq from navier-stokes so got the solution from wikipedia. Thanks anyways Damon :)

To obtain the governing equation for a viscous unidirectional flow in a circular pipe using the Navier-Stokes equations and cylindrical coordinates, we need to consider the conservation equations for mass and momentum.

In cylindrical coordinates, the velocity field can be expressed as:

V = ur(r, a, z) + uθ(r, a, z), where u is the radial velocity component, uθ is the tangential velocity component, and V is the total velocity vector.

Now, let's break down the Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates.

1. Conservation of Mass:

The continuity equation in cylindrical coordinates can be written as follows:

∂ρ/∂t + ∂(ρu)/∂r + (1/r) ∂(rρuθ)/∂.a + ∂(ρuz)/∂z = 0,

where ρ is the fluid density, t is time, r is the radial coordinate, a is the azimuthal (angular) coordinate, and z is the axial coordinate.

2. Conservation of Momentum:

The momentum equation in the z-direction (flow direction) can be written as:

∂(ρuz)/∂t + ∂(ρuzu)/∂r + (1/r) ∂(rρuθuz)/∂a + ∂(ρu^2z)/∂z = -∂P/∂z + (μ/r) ∂/∂r(r ∂uz/∂r) + μ ∂^2uz/∂z^2,

where P is the pressure, μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, and u^2z represents the z-component of the velocity squared (u^2z = uz^2).

Note that the other momentum equations in the r and a directions also exist, but since the flow is unidirectional along z, those terms cancel out.

By solving these governing equations, you will be able to obtain the required equation for a viscous unidirectional flow in a circular pipe, using the Navier-Stokes equations and cylindrical coordinates.