can I please get some help with this problem. FACTOR . CHECK BY MULTIPLYING 4x²+12x

4x is the factor that evenly divides into both 4x^2 and 12 x. Therefore

4x^2 +12x = 4x (x + 3)


Of course! I can help you with factoring the expression 4x² + 12x.

To factor this expression, we need to look for a common factor among the terms. In this case, the common factor is 4x:

4x² + 12x

If we factor out 4x, we divide each term by 4x:

4x(x + 3)

So the factored form of the expression is 4x(x + 3).

To check if the factoring is correct, we can multiply the factors to see if we get back to the original expression:

4x(x + 3) = 4x * x + 4x * 3 = 4x² + 12x

As we can see, the expression 4x(x + 3) when multiplied gives us back the original expression 4x² + 12x.

So, the factoring is correct. The factored form of the expression is 4x(x + 3).