This is just a practice. Most sex-linked genes are found on?

X chromosomes

Most sex-linked genes are found on the sex chromosomes, which in humans are called the X and Y chromosomes. The X chromosome is larger and contains more genes than the Y chromosome. Sex-linked genes are those that are specifically located on one of these sex chromosomes and have different inheritance patterns compared to genes found on autosomes (non-sex chromosomes).

To find the answer to your question, you could start by searching for information on sex-linked genes. You can use online search engines such as Google or Bing and enter keywords like "sex-linked genes" or "sex chromosome genes." This will lead you to various reliable sources such as scientific journals, textbooks, or educational websites.

Once you have found a trustworthy source, you can navigate through the information provided to locate the details about the location of sex-linked genes on the sex chromosomes. The source should provide an explanation and possibly visual representations of the chromosomes, illustrating where these genes are located.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure their reliability and accuracy. Academic journals and trusted educational websites are generally more reliable sources of information. Additionally, cross-referencing multiple sources can help ensure you obtain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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