Please, I am struggling with these. Can someone help me by answering them? Or at least assisting me to? Thank you in advance to anyone who are able to.

Read each of the following passages of descriptions of events from the play. Identify which type of irony is used in each passage or description. Then briefly explain the contrast of contradiction that occurs in each passage.

1. TRAVELER: So, what do you reckon? Any good, is he? (The DRIVER turns around.) DRIVER: Oh, yes, he's a good one, this one.

My answers:
Type of irony: Irony of situation.
Contrast: Thinking himself to be considered feared among the townspeople, this positive response from the DRIVER contradicts the TRAVELER's impression of himself.

2. He hops on a train just like anyone else, just like you or me. When he gets off, he don't go jumping into a cab or nothing fancy. Oh, no. He wraps himself up from head to toe so you can't see his face, and he wheezes away like an old dog so no one can recognize his voice.

My answers:
Type of irony: ?
Contrast: ?

3. TRAVELER: Very cunning, you were saying.

My answers:
Type of irony: ?
Contrast: ?

4. TRAVELER: And then he pounces, yes? I should think some people must get the surprise of their life. mustn't they?

My answers:
Types of irony: ?
Contrast: ?

5. DRIVER: So there's the inspector-general, all muffled up like a roll of carpet, going secretly along in a cart somewhere, and when he gets there, nothing to be seen but vodka and cold salmon! TRAVELER: (shouts). Turn around!

My answers:
Type of irony: ?
Contrast: ?

I would be happy to help you with these questions and explain how to determine the type of irony and the contrast or contradiction in each passage.

1. In this passage, the type of irony used is verbal irony. The contrast or contradiction occurs when the driver expresses that the person they are discussing is actually good, despite the traveler's skeptical or sarcastic tone.

2. The type of irony used in this passage is situational irony. The contrast or contradiction arises when the description presents the character as initially appearing ordinary or unremarkable by taking a train, but then reveals unexpected behavior like wrapping up and disguising themselves, which goes against the expectation of ordinary behavior.

3. In this passage, the type of irony used is verbal irony. The contrast or contradiction occurs when the traveler sarcastically refers to the person being discussed as "very cunning," suggesting that they might not actually be as clever as they are thought to be.

4. The type of irony used in this passage is dramatic irony. The contrast or contradiction arises when the traveler assumes that some people must be surprised by the person's actions, indicating that the person's behavior is likely unexpected or contrary to what others might anticipate.

5. In this passage, the type of irony used is situational irony. The contrast or contradiction occurs when the driver describes a scenario with the inspector-general hiding and expecting to find vodka and cold salmon, which is unexpected or contradictory to what they may have anticipated. This leads the traveler to shout for the driver to turn around due to this unexpected revelation.

It's important to note that identifying irony and describing the contrast or contradiction in a passage often requires careful analysis of the language used and the expectations set up in the context of the play. Examining the tone, context, and actions of the characters can help determine the type of irony being used and the contrast or contradiction that emerges.