What is the literary term for an event that is different from what the readers or the characters will expect to happen?

A. situational irony
B. ambiguity
C. verbal irony
D. contradiction

Working on my workbook pages for this week and I don't understand this one: please help, and thank you in advance if you do!


The literary term for an event that is different from what the readers or the characters expect to happen is called situational irony. Situational irony occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. It often involves a discrepancy between the intended outcome and the actual outcome of a situation.

To answer this question, you can go through each option and analyze the meanings and definitions of the terms.

- Ambiguity refers to something that is open to multiple interpretations or is unclear. It does not specifically address the unexpected nature of an event.
- Verbal irony is when a person says something but means the opposite, or when there is a contrasting difference between what is said and what is meant. While it may involve unexpected outcomes at times, it is primarily related to the use of words and communication.
- Contradiction refers to a direct opposition or inconsistency between two statements, actions, or ideas. It does not necessarily address the aspect of expectation or surprise.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is A, situational irony, as it specifically pertains to events that deviate from what is expected.