1. Direct misconduct by a police officer, such as extorting money from drug dealers, would be an example of which of the following forms of misconduct?

A. Nonfeasance

B. Misfeasance

C. Malfeasance

D. All of the above

im confused between C and D

2. A law enforcement officer accepting money or other favors for overlooking traffic violations would be classified as which of the following forms of corruption?
A. Theft

B. Fixes

C. Shakedowns

D. Opportunistic theft

im confused between A and C

Do you understand the meanings of these words?

For instance, what is the difference between misfeasance and malfeasance?

Misfeasance : improper performance of some act that an official may lawfully do.

Malfeasance: direct misconduct or wrongful conduct by a public official or employee

So, what are your answers?

answer to question 1 is Misfeasance.

I disagree. I think extorting money from drug dealers is much more serious. It's clearly malfeasance.


A law enforcement officer accepting money or other favors for overlooking traffic violations would be classified as which of the following forms of corruption?

1. To determine the correct answer for question 1, we need to understand the definitions of the options.

A. Nonfeasance refers to the failure to perform a required duty or obligation. It typically involves negligent inaction rather than direct action.

B. Misfeasance refers to the improper performance of a lawful action. It occurs when someone acts in a way that is lawful but carries out the action improperly.

C. Malfeasance refers to the performance of an unlawful action. It involves the deliberate misconduct or wrongdoing.

Based on these definitions, the correct answer for question 1 would be C. Malfeasance, as direct misconduct by a police officer, such as extorting money from drug dealers, would be considered an unlawful action.

2. To determine the correct answer for question 2, let's analyze the options:

A. Theft refers to the act of taking someone else's property without permission.

B. Fixes typically refers to manipulating or rigging a situation to gain an advantage or an unfair outcome.

C. Shakedowns involve obtaining money or other benefits through threats, intimidation, or coercion.

D. Opportunistic theft typically refers to taking advantage of an opportunity to steal when the chance arises.

Since a law enforcement officer accepting money or favors in exchange for overlooking traffic violations involves obtaining benefits through threats or coercion, the answer would be C. Shakedowns.

Remember, understanding the definitions of the terms can help you determine the correct answer by relating them to the scenario given in the question.