Find the distance between -15 and 12 on a number line.

this is what i came up with but im not sure if its right...
|-15 - 7| = |-22| = 22 units

Not sure where the typo is, but assuming you meant 7 and not 12, your reasoning is correct. You can do it the way you did, subtracting the larger from the smaller, or you can do

|7 - (-15)) = |7+15| = 22

Personally, I prefer subtracting the smaller, but...

oops I didn't realize I had a typo. sorry about that. and thank you for answering!

To find the distance between two points on a number line, you can subtract one point from the other and then take the absolute value of the difference.

In this case, you subtract -15 from 12:
12 - (-15) = 12 + 15 = 27

But since we want the distance, we need to take the absolute value of the difference:
|27| = 27

So, the distance between -15 and 12 on a number line is 27 units.