1. What was described as the ' hardest work " slaves did ? ( 1point )

A. work in the rice fields

B . Work in the tobacco fields

C. Work in the lumber business

D. Work loading and unloading ships in port

2. which of the follow best describes the social class of a small farmers ? ( 1point )

A. elite of society , whose wealth had lasted for several generations

B. largest portion of society , who owned a small amount of land

c. bottom of society , who were denied all freedoms

d. unsure of role in society , and not allowed to vote

3. who benefited from the free school act , which was passed in south carolina 1811? (1point )

A . orphans

B. white males

C, children of freed slaves

D. all students under 16 years of age

4. which of the following BEST explains the abolitionist movement ? ( 1point )

A. the movement to contain slavery in the southern states

B. the movement to end slavery in the united states

C. the movement to allow slavery to move into the western territories

d. the movement to end slavery in Washington , D.C

5. how did the railroad help south carolina's economy in the 1830s ?

A. It created easy transportation of goods from the interior to Charleston , a port city

B. It allowed people to move easily from farm to farm

C It connected south carolina with the west

d. It increased paying jobs for free blacks in south carolina

6.according to the graph , which statement accurately describes the percentage of free blacks in south carolina's population between 1790 and 1860 ? ( 1point )

A. The percentage of free blacks reached 1.5 percent by 1860

b. The percentage of free blacks increased between 1810 and 1820

c. The percentage of free blacks was greatest in the late eighteenth century

d. The percentage of free blacks increased consistenly between 1790 and 1830

7. which statement best describes the concept of manifest destiny ? ( 1point )

A . America was destined to become a world power

B . America was destined to become a religious nation

c. americas were " chosen people " and should multiply

d. america was destined to speed over the total continent

8. how did the fire - eaters of south carolina react to the compromise of 1850 ? ( 1point )

A . they agreed with the compromise

b. they disagreed but followed their leader John c. calhoun

c. they disagreed and called for secession from the union

d. they disagreed and seceded from the union

9. why did southern plantation owners favor the Dred scott decision ? ( 1point )

A . The supreme court declared slaves to be property

B . The supreme court declared all states slave states

c. the supreme court declared slavery in all territories

d. the supreme court declared the end of slavery in all states

10 . how did the debate over slavery affect kanas during the 1850s ? ( 1point )

A. proslavery and antislavery supporters moved to the region , and violence erupted .

B . durning the writing of the state constitution , proslavery and antislavery supports began fighting

c. congress decided that kanas should be slaves state during the compromise of 1850

d. the people of kanas voted to become a slave state

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1. The answer to this question can be found by understanding the different types of work slaves were commonly engaged in. One option is to search for information on the experiences of slaves during that time period. Another option is to study historical documents, such as slave narratives or accounts of plantation life, to gain insights into the various hardships slaves faced. These sources may provide specific details on the types of labor slaves were required to perform.

2. To determine the social class of small farmers during this time period, one can examine historical records or textbooks that discuss the social structure of society. It may also be helpful to analyze primary sources, such as letters or diaries from small farmers themselves or other eyewitness accounts of their daily lives. Comparing this information to the provided answer options can help identify the most accurate description.

3. The answer to this question can be found by researching the Free School Act of South Carolina in 1811. Exploring historical records, such as legislation or newspaper articles from that time period, can provide insights into the intended beneficiaries of this act. Additionally, examining the social and political context of the era may shed light on the motivations behind the passage of this legislation.

4. To understand the abolitionist movement, one can start by researching the historical context surrounding the movement to end slavery. Exploring primary sources, such as speeches, pamphlets, or writings by abolitionist leaders, can provide insights into their goals and strategies. Comparing these sources to the answer options can help determine the most accurate explanation.

5. To understand how the railroad impacted South Carolina's economy in the 1830s, one can explore historical records, such as newspaper articles or economic reports from that time period. Analyzing the economic changes and developments that occurred during this era can provide insights into the specific impacts of the railroad. Comparing this information to the answer options can help identify the most accurate explanation.

6. Analyzing the provided graph depicting the percentage of free blacks in South Carolina's population between 1790 and 1860 can help determine the accurate statement. By examining the data shown in the graph and identifying trends or patterns, one can find the percentage range in different time periods. Comparing this information to the answer options can help identify the most accurate statement.

7. To understand the concept of manifest destiny, one can research historical documents, such as speeches or writings by prominent figures of the time, who discussed manifest destiny. Exploring primary sources that provide insights into the beliefs and motivations behind the concept can help determine the most accurate statement.

8. To determine how the fire-eaters of South Carolina reacted to the Compromise of 1850, one can study historical records, such as speeches or writings by fire-eaters or their supporters. Analyzing their statements or actions in response to the compromise can provide insights into their stance. Comparing this information to the answer options can help identify the most accurate statement.

9. To understand why Southern plantation owners favored the Dred Scott decision, one can study historical documents, such as court records or political speeches, related to the decision. Analyzing the arguments presented and examining the political and economic context of the time can shed light on the motivations behind the support of plantation owners. Comparing this information to the answer options can help identify the most accurate statement.

10. Exploring historical records, such as newspaper articles or personal accounts, can provide insights into the impact of the slavery debate on Kansas during the 1850s. Analyzing this information and examining the events and conflicts that unfolded in Kansas during this time can help determine the most accurate statement. Comparing this information to the answer options can help identify the most accurate explanation.