Write 14,060,000,000,000 in scientific notation

put the decimal between the 1 and 4, then count the number of decimals it was moved from the end of the big number

= 1.406 x 10^?? , you do the counting.

To express a number in scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Determine the numerical coefficient: Move the decimal point so that only one digit is to the left of it. Count the number of decimal places you moved the decimal point to obtain the coefficient.

Given the number: 14,060,000,000,000

Moving the decimal point 13 places to the left gives us: 1.406

2. Count the number of decimal places you moved the decimal point to obtain the coefficient. In this case, we moved it 13 places to the left.

3. Write the numerical coefficient followed by "x 10^" and the exponent, which is the number of decimal places you moved the decimal point.

Putting it all together, 14,060,000,000,000 in scientific notation is:
1.406 x 10^13