Though mAny people doubted that the new program would do any real good, it was a very wholesome development

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given statement and identify its key elements.

1. "Many people doubted that the new program would do any real good."
2. "It was a very wholesome development."

The first statement implies that there were doubts regarding the effectiveness or positive impact of the new program. The second statement suggests that despite these doubts, the development of the program was considered "wholesome."

Now, let's break down the meaning of the word "wholesome" in this context. In general, "wholesome" refers to something that is good, beneficial, or morally commendable. So, in this particular context, the word suggests that the development of the program had positive and beneficial aspects.

Overall, the statement is expressing the idea that despite initial skepticism, the new program turned out to be a positive and beneficial development.

It's important to note that this explanation is based on the interpretation of the text.