Please correct my work please: This is what I'm working on: Command form(imperative mood)negative familiar/polite. I have to change the following affirmative commands to the negative form. (write the word no, the object pronoun(s), and the negative command in the spaces to the right. I have to finish this before the end of this week. Please help.

1. Hágalos en la clase.-------

2. Llévalo a tu casa.---------

3. Escribqle la carta ahora----------

4.Quitese la chaqueta .-----------------

5. Cierrelas antes de salir--------------

6. Ponganlos ahora.--------------

1. No lo haga en la clase.
2. No lo lleves a tu casa.
3. No le escribas la carta ahora.
4. No se quite la chaqueta.
5. No las cierre antes de salir.
6. No los pongan ahora.

#1 = The basic sentence uses "los" so you must too = No los haga...

#2 = fine

#3 = typo in "Escribqle" = Escríb?le. It is important to know if you see the tú command "Escríbele" or the formal "Escríbale" because I have no way of knowing if "No le escribas" is correct or not.

#4 = Quítese does become "No se quite."

#5 = Ciérrelas d oes become "No las cierre..."

#6 = Pónganlos = you MUST put the accent marks or it is con sidered totally wrong! Then your answer is correct.


1. Hágalos en la clase. -------

To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and replace the object pronoun "los" with the appropriate object pronoun.

The negative command would be:
No los haga en la clase.

2. Llévalo a tu casa. -------
To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and replace the object pronoun "lo" with the appropriate object pronoun.

The negative command would be:
No lo lleves a tu casa.

3. Escribqle la carta ahora -------
To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and replace the object pronoun "le" with the appropriate object pronoun. Additionally, you have a typo in the word "Escribqle," it should be "Escríbele."

The negative command would be:
No le escribas la carta ahora.

4. Quitese la chaqueta. -------
To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and remove the reflexive pronoun "-se" from the verb "quitarse."

The negative command would be:
No se quite la chaqueta.

5. Cierrelas antes de salir. -------
To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and replace the object pronoun "las" with the appropriate object pronoun.

The negative command would be:
No las cierre antes de salir.

6. Ponganlos ahora. -------
To change this affirmative command to the negative form, you need to add "no" before the verb and replace the object pronoun "los" with the appropriate object pronoun.

The negative command would be:
No los pongan ahora.

Please double-check your work and make sure to review the appropriate usage of object pronouns in Spanish commands.