When unconscious defenses block access to certain material during free association, what is said to occur?


The correct answer is b. Resistance.

When unconscious defenses block access to certain material during free association, it is referred to as resistance. Resistance is an important concept in psychoanalysis. It is the unconscious defense mechanism that protects the ego from experiencing distressing thoughts or feelings. Resistance can manifest as a reluctance or inability to bring certain thoughts or memories into conscious awareness.

To arrive at the correct answer, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the concepts of repression, resistance, suppression, blocking, and blunting. Here's a brief explanation of each:

a. Repression: Repression is a defense mechanism in which uncomfortable or threatening thoughts, feelings, or memories are pushed into the unconscious mind. These repressed materials are typically inaccessible to conscious awareness.

b. Resistance: Resistance, as mentioned earlier, refers to the unconscious defense mechanisms that block access to certain thoughts or material during therapy. It happens when the patient resists the uncovering of repressed or unconscious aspects of themselves.

c. Suppression: Suppression is a conscious effort to deliberately inhibit or push away unwanted thoughts, feelings, or memories. Unlike repression, which is unconscious, suppression is a voluntary act.

d. Blocking: Blocking refers to a temporary inability to recall or access certain information or memories. It can occur due to various reasons such as a lack of retrieval cues or interference from other information.

e. Blunting: Blunting is the psychological defense mechanism that involves minimizing or reducing the emotional impact of a situation or memory. It is a way to protect oneself from overwhelming emotions.

In this case, resistance is the most relevant term as it specifically describes the process of unconscious defenses blocking access to certain material during free association.