How exactly will I do this? I seriously need help yet,I can't even attempt this. My teacher hasn't taught me this stuff as yet. So help would be appreciated. This is what I'm working on: Command form(imperative mood)negative familiar/polite. I have to change the following affirmative commands to the negative form. (write the word no, the object pronoun(s), and the negative command in the spaces to the right.

There are 22 problems I have to work on. But all I'm asking to work on is the first 3. Thanks:

1. Hágalos en la clase.-------

2. Llévalo a tu casa.---------

3. Escríbale la carta ahora.-----

You were on the right path in the later post and these are similar.

#1 = Hágalos = No los haga...

#2 = Llévalo = No lo lleves...

#3 = Escríbale = No le escriba.

If you see the tú command, you simply write the negative tú. If you see Ud., you write the negative Ud. command.


To change the given affirmative commands into negative commands in the familiar/polite form, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb in the imperative mood: In each sentence, find the verb that indicates an action or command. In the given examples:
a. Hágalos en la clase - The verb is "Hágalos" (Do them)
b. Llévalo a tu casa - The verb is "Llévalo" (Take it)
c. Escríbale la carta ahora - The verb is "Escríbale" (Write him/her)

2. Determine the object pronoun(s): Identify any pronouns that represent the object(s) affected by the action. In these examples:
a. Hágalos en la clase - "los" is the object pronoun (them)
b. Llévalo a tu casa - "lo" is the object pronoun (it)
c. Escríbale la carta ahora - "le" is the object pronoun (him/her)

3. Use the command form of "no": Precede the verb with the word "no" to form the negative command. Here's how you can do it for each example:
a. Hágalos en la clase - No los hagan en la clase (Don't do them in class)
b. Llévalo a tu casa - No lo lleves a tu casa (Don't take it to your house)
c. Escríbale la carta ahora - No le escribas la carta ahora (Don't write him/her the letter now)

Now, you can apply the same steps for the remaining 19 problems. Remember to identify the verb, determine the object pronoun(s), and form the negative command using "no" followed by the object pronoun and the verb.