I need to factor the expression

t^2 + 4tv + 4v^2

I got this answer:
(t + 2v)(t + 2v)

Check my work? Thanks!

looks good to me


To check if the expression t^2 + 4tv + 4v^2 can be factored as (t + 2v)(t + 2v), we can expand the factorization and see if it matches the original expression.

Expanding (t + 2v)(t + 2v) using the FOIL method:
(t + 2v)(t + 2v) = t * t + t * 2v + 2v * t + 2v * 2v
= t^2 + 2tv + 2tv + 4v^2
= t^2 + 4tv + 4v^2

As we can see, the expanded form of (t + 2v)(t + 2v) matches the original expression t^2 + 4tv + 4v^2. Therefore, your work is correct! The expression can indeed be factored as (t + 2v)(t + 2v).