I Tried looking these up on the dictionary for Jiskha it didn't help please help..

matching PLEASE HELP?
1. labor force.
2. open shop
3. yellow dog contract.
4. flextime.
5. job discriminiation
7. minimum wage.
8. right-to-work law.
9. collective bargaining.
10. union recognition.
a. lowest legal wage an employer can pay.
b. labor's most powerful weapon.
c. makes it illegal to require workers to join a union.
d. union and management negotiations.
e. individuals, 16 yr of age or older, working or looking for work.
f. a promise not to join a union.
g. both union and nonunion workers are allowed.
h. any of a variety of work schedule arrangements.
i. acceptance of a union as sole bargianing age3nt for the workers in a shop.
j. favoring one group over another in hiring salary, or promotion.

go to dictionary . com it has all the words there for you.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Notice that the title contains the word HELP. First of all, you need to DO what you can and then we can help you. True, some of these are easier than others but you learn best by doing first.

To find the answers to these terms related to labor and employment, you can use a combination of online resources, such as dictionary.com and other sources. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use dictionary.com to find the definitions of the terms you mentioned:

1. Labor force: Go to dictionary.com and search for "labor force." The definition will give you an understanding of what it means.

2. Open shop: Search for "open shop" on dictionary.com and you will find the definition related to labor and employment.

3. Yellow dog contract: Look up "yellow dog contract" on dictionary.com to understand its meaning within the context of labor relations.

4. Flextime: Search for "flextime" on dictionary.com to learn about the concept of flexible work schedules.

5. Job discrimination: Look up "job discrimination" on dictionary.com to understand the meaning of this term related to unequal treatment in employment.

6. Strike: Search for "strike" on dictionary.com to find the definition related to labor disputes and work stoppages.

7. Minimum wage: Look up "minimum wage" on dictionary.com to understand the concept of the lowest legally-required wage for workers.

8. Right-to-work law: Search for "right-to-work law" on dictionary.com to find the definition related to laws that protect workers' rights in unionized workplaces.

9. Collective bargaining: Look up "collective bargaining" on dictionary.com to understand the process of negotiations between unions and employers.

10. Union recognition: Search for "union recognition" on dictionary.com to find the definition related to acknowledging a union as representing workers in bargaining.

By following these steps, you can find the definitions and explanations for all the terms you listed. Remember that while dictionary.com is a helpful resource, for more specific or detailed information, it may be beneficial to consult other sources such as labor law websites or textbooks.