Jill is the leading scorer on her basketball team, with an average of 13.2 points per game. Which BEST describes Jill's scoring average: rate or ratio?


The "per" usually indicates a rate, as in

miles per gallon
population per square mile

on the other hand, rate usually involves a time period, as in

km per hour
ft per second

So, I think I'd have to change my answer to ratio, the ratio of points to games.

To determine whether Jill's scoring average is a rate or a ratio, we need to understand the definitions of both terms.

A rate is a comparison of two different quantities measured in different units. It expresses how one quantity changes concerning the other quantity. Rates are typically given as a ratio with different units, such as miles per hour or dollars per hour.

On the other hand, a ratio is a comparison of two quantities of the same kind or in the same units. Ratios express the relationship between two numbers or quantities.

In this scenario, Jill's scoring average is given as 13.2 points per game. Since both quantities (scoring points and games) are expressed in the same units (points), Jill's scoring average can be described as a ratio.

Therefore, the BEST term to describe Jill's scoring average is a ratio.