I am not seeing anywhere in my text how I would provide this answer could someone point me in the correct direction...

It states this...
Compose a list identifying the major
components of health communication. Who is involved in each component? How does
each component promote health communication? If not utilized, how would it reduce
health communication? Provide examples.

I think I am thinking in the right direction as I have place the sender as the patient and the receiver as the caregiver?

Someone please help?

You're right - the patient and the doctor or other caregiver are the primary people involved in communication about an individual's health.

If the patient cannot communicate, then who?

Here are several sites that may give you additional ideas:

As a partial answer to Writeacher's question, "If the patient cannot communicate, then who?" various signs can communicate to the provider if the patient is unconscious. These include heart and breathing rates, blood pressure, bleeding, skin lesions or wounds, along with results from tests chosen by the provider.

In addition, various caregivers/providers can communicate information about the patient among themselves.

Communication is a two-way process. Not only does the patient need to communicate to the provider, the provider needs to communicate to the patient. The provider needs to ask probing questions to elicit information. In dealing with options for treatment, the provider needs to adequately inform the patient of the advantages and disadvantages of each option to help the patient in making a choice.

Possibly this article might help.


I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

I know of a gent, a Ham Radio Operator, who had a severe stroke, could only move one finger. Communication was impossible, until a fellow Ham visited him, held his hand, and they communicated in morse code by tapping finger to palm. It is amazing what the brain can do. So the fellow Ham was the relay person, after the patient had been in the hospital cricital care unit for four days.

To answer the question, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the major components of health communication:
- Look for sections or paragraphs in your text that discuss different elements of health communication. This could include topics such as interpersonal communication, mass media campaigns, digital health technologies, community engagement, or health literacy.

2. Determine who is involved in each component:
- Once you have identified the components, search for information about the key stakeholders, roles, or organizations involved in each. This could include healthcare providers, public health agencies, policymakers, community leaders, social marketers, or health educators.

3. Understand how each component promotes health communication:
- Examine the text for explanations on how each component contributes to promoting health communication. Look for information on how each component facilitates the dissemination of health information, improves understanding, raises awareness, influences attitudes/behaviors, and fosters collaboration.

4. Identify how not utilizing each component would reduce health communication:
- If the text does not explicitly mention the consequences of not utilizing each component, you can try to infer by considering the importance of that component in health communication. Think about how the absence of each component might hinder effective communication, limit access to information, reduce engagement, or hinder behavior change.

5. Provide examples:
- Look for any specific examples mentioned in the text that illustrate each component and its impact on health communication. These examples can help you provide evidence and contextualize your response.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the necessary information within your text to answer the question comprehensively.