What is 15 more than one-third of a number (m)?

1/3 m + 15

DUH... 15 and the third...

To find out what "15 more than one-third of a number (m)" is, we can break down the problem into steps.

Step 1: Divide the number (m) by 3 to find one-third of the number.
One-third of a number (m) can be calculated by dividing the number (m) by 3: m/3.

Step 2: Add 15 to the result of step 1.
To find "15 more than one-third of a number (m)," you need to add 15 to the result of step 1, which is m/3. Therefore, the result will be: m/3 + 15.

So, the answer to "What is 15 more than one-third of a number (m)?" is m/3 + 15.