what is sexuality in the african religion traditional

THE African religion? There is no single African religion. In the north you have Islam and Christians and Jews and as you go south you get more until you reach the Dutch Protestants in South Africa.

In addition to Damon's knowledgeable answer, people who follow traditional African religions have many different beliefs and practices. Check this article.


Sexuality in African traditional religions varies across the diverse cultures and belief systems found on the continent. Due to the vast number of different African traditional religions and cultural practices, there is no single, uniform perspective on sexuality. However, it is important to recognize that African traditional religions generally value cultural norms, social harmony, and ancestral traditions.

To understand the specific views on sexuality in African traditional religions, it is necessary to study specific regional traditions and cultural practices. This can involve examining myths, rituals, and religious texts, as well as engaging with practitioners and scholars who possess a deep understanding of the African traditional religious systems.

To conduct further research on the topic, you can:

1. Refer to anthropological and historical studies: Books and scholarly articles written by experts in African traditional religions can provide insights into their beliefs and practices regarding sexuality. Examples of such books are "African Religions and Philosophy" by John S. Mbiti and "African Mythology A to Z" by Patricia Ann Lynch and Jeremy Roberts.

2. Connect with practitioners and scholars: Engaging with individuals who have knowledge and experience in African traditional religions can provide valuable firsthand information. Local religious leaders, anthropologists, historians, and scholars specializing in African traditional religions might be able to share their insights and help you understand the specific views on sexuality.

3. Explore cultural resources: Traditional stories, folklore, and oral traditions can offer insights into the cultural values and attitudes towards sexuality. Investigating specific cultural practices and rituals related to sexuality in different African societies can contribute to a deeper understanding of their traditional religious perspectives.

Remember that African traditional religions are diverse and multifaceted, and thus generalizations should be avoided. By exploring the specific cultures and traditions within African traditional religions, you can gain a more nuanced understanding of their views and practices related to sexuality.