why furniture needs to be congruent?

does it?

can u just answer my question please?

I am sorry, no piece of furniture in this room is congruent to any other. Unless part of a set of dining chairs or something, I see no reason why it would be.

Furniture does not necessarily need to be congruent, though in some cases it can be desirable. Congruence refers to objects having the same size and shape, or fitting together in a harmonious way. In the context of furniture, congruence can contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality of a space.

Here are a few reasons why some people might prefer furniture to be congruent:

1. Visual coherence: When furniture pieces have similar styles, colors, or shapes, they tend to create a more cohesive and visually pleasing look in a room. This can make the space feel more put together and harmonious.

2. Space utilization: Congruent furniture can help optimize the use of space, especially in tight or small rooms. When individual pieces have matching sizes or complementary proportions, they can fit together more efficiently, allowing for better flow and functionality within the room.

3. Design intention: In certain design styles, like minimalism or Scandinavian design, congruence is often emphasized to create a clean, uncluttered, and streamlined look. In these cases, furniture pieces with similar shapes and finishes are intentionally chosen to maintain a consistent design language.

It's important to note, however, that the concept of congruence in furniture is subjective and varies depending on personal preferences, design styles, and the intended purpose of the space. Ultimately, the choice of whether to have congruent or diverse furniture is up to the individual or designer.