Please, I desperately need help with these questions.

These questions regard "The Rug Merchant" by James A. Michener.

1. Which of Zaqir's words and actions create the vivid portrait of him?
2. What do you learn about Michener's character through his storytelling?

We do not know what the story is an where you found it. I am sure if you READ IT you will find the answer!

This story can be read upon many websites. You simply need to search for it. Furthermore, I have read it multiple times. However, I still cannot find the answers to these questions. That is why I posted them upon this website.

Both questions are asking for YOUR opinion and observation. No one else can answer these but you!

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with these questions!

1. To identify the words and actions that create a vivid portrait of Zaqir in "The Rug Merchant" by James A. Michener, you can analyze the text for specific details and descriptions provided by the author. Look for instances where Zaqir's character is revealed through his dialogue, actions, and the way others perceive him. Pay attention to passages that provide insights into his personality, motivations, and interactions with other characters. These can help you create a vivid mental image of Zaqir in your mind as you read.

To find specific examples, you can do the following:

a) Read the text carefully: Start by thoroughly reading the scenes and chapters that feature Zaqir's presence. Look for any direct quotations or descriptions of his words and actions.

b) Reflect on Zaqir's traits: Consider what aspects of Zaqir's character are most distinctive or memorable. Does he have a particular way of speaking, behaving, or reacting to situations? Pay attention to any contradictions or complexities that make him more multi-dimensional as a character.

c) Note character interactions: Look for scenes where Zaqir interacts with other characters. How do they react to him, and how does he respond to them? These interactions can provide further insights into his personality and the impression he makes on those around him.

2. To understand what you can learn about Michener's character through his storytelling in "The Rug Merchant," take note of the style, tone, and themes prevalent in the text. Consider the following steps:

a) Analyze the language and tone: Pay attention to Michener's choice of words, sentence structure, and overall tone. Does he use a descriptive, analytical, or reflective style? This can give you insights into his personality, perspective, and writing style.

b) Identify recurring themes and motifs: Look for patterns or recurring themes throughout the story. These can provide clues about Michener's interests, beliefs, and values. Consider the ideas he explores, the conflicts he highlights, and the messages he conveys through his storytelling.

c) Reflect on the purpose of the story: Consider why Michener may have chosen to write "The Rug Merchant" and what he might be trying to communicate through it. By examining the themes and messages embedded in the story, you can gain further insight into the author's own character and worldview.

Remember, when analyzing literature, it's always important to support your interpretations with specific evidence from the text.