what is an easy way to remember conjigations for the irregular verbs

I have taken Frech for 4 years. There is no way. you just have to memorize them. sorry.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I'm afraid Sam is right! Here are a few things you can rely on.

1. The first person p lural of irregular verbs (nous form) ends in -ons, except: nous sommes.

2. The second person plural (vous) ends in -ez, except: vous dites, vous êtes, vous faites.

3. Thge third person plural(ils/elles) ends in -ent, except: ils vont, ils ont, ils sont, ils font.

4. The two forms for the first p erson singular of pouvoir are interchan geable (peux/puis) except that
a. the negative is "je ne peux pas" OR "je ne puis
b. the inverted question form is "puis-je?"


Remembering conjugations for irregular verbs can be challenging, as they often have unique patterns that are not easily predictable. However, here are a few strategies that can help:

1. Familiarize yourself with common irregular verbs: Start by studying the most frequently used irregular verbs in the target language. These verbs tend to appear more often in conversation or writing, making them easier to remember over time.

2. Identify patterns: While irregular verbs may not follow the same rules as regular verbs, they often display patterns within themselves. For example, some irregular verbs have predictable tense changes, such as the vowel shift in English verbs like "sing" (past tense: sang) or "go" (past tense: went). Identifying and studying these patterns can make memorization easier.

3. Create flashcards: Flashcards are a great tool to reinforce memorization. Write the infinitive form of the irregular verb on one side and its conjugations (present, past, future, etc.) on the other side. Review them regularly to reinforce your memory.

4. Practice with exercises: Use online resources or textbooks that offer exercises specifically focused on irregular verb conjugations. Regular practice will help you become more comfortable with irregular verbs over time.

5. Use mnemonic devices or memory aids: Create a catchy phrase or sentence using the letters of the irregular verb to help you remember its conjugations. For example, for the Spanish verb "tener" (to have), you could create the sentence: "Tommy eats no radishes," where the first letter of each word corresponds to the conjugations: tengo, tienes, tiene, etc.

6. Surround yourself with the language: The more you expose yourself to the target language, the more familiar irregular verbs will become. Listen to songs, watch movies, read books, or converse with native speakers to encounter irregular verbs in different contexts, helping your brain to internalize the conjugations.

Remember, learning irregular verb conjugations takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and remain consistent in your efforts, and eventually, they will become more natural to you.