An rectangular area of 25 square meters, around an ancient historical site, is to be fenced to protect the artifacts. The sides with length x cost $ 34/ m and the other two sides cost $ 26 /m.

a. Write an expression for the cost as a function of x.

C(x) =

b. The value of x for minimum cost is x =

x w = 25 so w = 25/x

2 * 34* x + 2 * 26 * w = cost = c

c = 68 x + 52 w

c = 68 x + 52 (25/x)
c = 68 x + 1300/x

dc/dx = 0 for min = 68 - 1300/x^2

x^2 = 1300/68
x = 4.37

a. To write an expression for the cost as a function of x, we need to consider the cost of each side of the rectangular area.

The two sides with length x each cost $34/m, so their combined cost would be 2x * $34.

The other two sides cost $26/m each, and since they are perpendicular to the first two sides, they will have a length of (25/x) meters. Therefore, their combined cost would be 2 * (25/x) * $26.

Adding these two costs together will give us the total cost as a function of x.

C(x) = (2x * $34) + (2 * (25/x) * $26)

b. To find the value of x for the minimum cost, we can take the derivative of the cost function C(x) with respect to x and set it equal to zero.

C'(x) = 2 * $34 - 2 * (25/x^2) * $26

Setting C'(x) = 0, we can solve for x algebraically:

2 * $34 - 2 * (25/x^2) * $26 = 0

Simplifying this equation will give us the value of x for the minimum cost.