if you have two samples of the same volume. the mass of sample A is higher than that of sample B. which sample has the greatest density?

density = mass/volume

Just make up some numbers and see.
For example suppose A = 20g and B = 10 g for mass. Then they both have the same volume of 5 cc.
Substitute those numbers and see which has the higher density.

I just felt like posting to say that DrBob is one of the least useful answerers on this site...he never actually gives the answer

DrBob has confidence that the students who use this board are intelligent and capable of finding the answers with a little help. Giving students straight-out answers does not help them learn.

if you have two samples of the same volume. the mass of sample A is higher than that of sample B. which sample has the greatest density?

To determine which sample has the greatest density, we need to compare the mass of each sample relative to its volume. Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume.

Let's consider sample A and sample B. If the mass of sample A is higher than that of sample B, we cannot conclude anything about the density solely based on this information. We need to know the volume of each sample as well.

To find the density of each sample, you would need to measure the mass of each sample using a balance and measure the volume using appropriate instruments. Once you have both values, you can calculate the densities.

Density (ρ) = Mass (m) / Volume (V)

Comparing the densities, the sample with the greatest density will be the one with the higher value.