How do you tell what part of speech a word is under classification. How do you tell how each word is used in the sentence under construction?

I will walk and he will ride a bike.

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I and he = pronouns, subjects of their respective clauses

will walk and will ride = verbs of their respective clauses

and = conjunction, joining two independent clauses to make a compound sentence

bike = noun, direct object of the verb "ride"

a = article, modifying the noun "bike"

To determine the part of speech of a word, you need to identify its function in a sentence. There are various parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Here's a step-by-step process to identify the part of speech for a word:

1. Start by identifying the word you want to classify.
2. Consider its function in the sentence. Look for clues such as how the word is used, what role it plays in the sentence, and its relationship to other words.
3. Consult a reliable dictionary or grammar resource. Look up the word and read the definition and usage examples provided. This will help confirm your classification or clarify any confusion.

Regarding how to determine how each word is used in the sentence "I will walk and he will ride a bike," here's a breakdown:

- "I" is a pronoun used as the subject of the sentence.
- "will walk" is a verb phrase indicating an action. "Will" is a helping verb, and "walk" is the main verb.
- "and" is a conjunction linking the two clauses together.
- "he" is a pronoun used as the subject of the second clause.
- "will ride" is a verb phrase indicating an action. "Will" is a helping verb, and "ride" is the main verb.
- "a bike" is a noun phrase, with "a" as the article and "bike" as the noun.

Understanding the function of each word in a sentence requires analyzing its grammatical role, syntax, and the overall structure of the sentence. It may also be useful to study grammar rules and consult a reliable grammar guide or resource to gain further insight.