If you are a member in Liberal party, what would you say about the great depression in Canada, I mean your idea?

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or affiliations with political parties. However, I can provide you with some information regarding the Liberal party's stance on the Great Depression in Canada.

During the Great Depression, the Liberal party in Canada was in power, under the leadership of Prime Minister R.B. Bennett from 1930 to 1935. The Liberal party believed in a balanced approach to dealing with the economic crisis.

Initially, the Liberal government responded to the Great Depression with limited intervention, primarily relying on tariff increases and public works projects. However, as the crisis deepened, the government introduced more measures to combat the economic downturn. They established relief programs to support those affected by unemployment and poverty, such as creating make-work projects and providing direct assistance to citizens.

In 1935, the Liberal party lost the election to the Conservative party led by William Lyon Mackenzie King, who went on to implement his own policies to address the Great Depression.

It's important to note that political parties may have differing views on historical events, and individual members within a party may have their own perspectives. So, while the information provided highlights the general approach of the Liberal party during the Great Depression, it does not reflect the views of every member.