In the number 7,725 which places contain digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other ?

no digit here is ten times another

7,000 = 10 (700) and perhaps that is what the question means.

To determine which places in the number 7,725 contain digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other, you need to compare each pair of adjacent digits in the number.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start from the leftmost digit and move rightwards.
2. Look at the first pair of adjacent digits, which are 7 and 7.
- Are they digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other? No, because they are both 7.
3. Move to the next pair of adjacent digits, which are 7 and 2.
- Are they digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other? No.
4. Move to the next pair of adjacent digits, which are 2 and 5.
- Are they digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other? No.
5. Finally, consider the last pair of adjacent digits, which are 5 and 5.
- Are they digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other? No.

After comparing all pairs of adjacent digits, we can conclude that there are no places in the number 7,725 where one digit is ten times as great as the other.