A frog jumps at the angle of 60% to horizontal with initial velocity of 10.0m/s

1. calculate velocity Voy of the frog
2 calculate acceleration ax of the frog

Vi up = 10 sin 60 = 8.66 m/s

if ax is horizontal acceleration, there is none. Horizontal component of velocity is constant

To calculate the vertical component of velocity (Voy) and horizontal component of acceleration (ax) of the frog, we need to break down the given information into its components.

- Angle of the jump = 60 degrees
- Initial velocity (Vo) = 10.0 m/s

1. To calculate the vertical component of velocity (Voy), we can use the formula:

Voy = Vo * sin(θ)

where θ is the angle of the jump.

Plugging in the values, we get:

Voy = 10.0 m/s * sin(60°)

Calculating sin(60°):

sin(60°) = √3/2 ≈ 0.866

Therefore, Voy = 10.0 m/s * 0.866 ≈ 8.66 m/s

So, the vertical component of velocity (Voy) of the frog is approximately 8.66 m/s.

2. To calculate the horizontal component of acceleration (ax), we need to understand that acceleration in the horizontal direction is zero for this case. This is because once the frog jumps, there is no force acting horizontally to change the velocity. Therefore, the acceleration in the horizontal direction (ax) is zero.

So, the horizontal component of acceleration (ax) of the frog is zero.