1. During the election of 1824, which candidate won the popular vote and which candidate won the presidency?

a.) Andrew Jackson; John Quincy Adams *****
b.) Andrew Jackson; Andrew Jackson
c.) John Quincy Adams; John Quincy Adams
d.) John Quincy Adams; Henry Clay

2. Some Southerners wanted to break away from the United States, or to _______. #2 is it b or c?

a.) nullify
b.) caucus? ***** ?
c.) secede? ***** ?
d.) expand

3. Why was the nation's sixth president chosen by the House of Representatives?

a.) because no candidate won a majority of the electoral votes *****
b.) because in the early Republic, that is the way the president was chosen
c.) because the two candidates with the most votes were both from the same political party
d.) because of the threat of secession by the south at that time

3. How did Jackson's presidency influence the size of the American electorate?

ANSWER: The American electorate increased during Jackson's presidency because many states expanded access to the vote following the spirit of equality he championed.



2. Look up the meanings of your two choices.

The other answers are right.

OK, thanks guys!

All Were Right

Got a 100%. thanks Anontmous

Got a 100%. thanks Anonymous


Thanx Anonymous



1. During the election of 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but John Quincy Adams won the presidency. The correct option is a) Andrew Jackson; John Quincy Adams.

To arrive at this answer, you can research information about the election of 1824. Look for sources that provide details about the candidates, their popularity, and the outcome of the election. Historical books, articles, or reputable websites can provide you with the necessary information.

2. Some Southerners wanted to break away from the United States, or to secede. The correct option is c) secede.

To determine the correct answer, you can learn about the events leading up to the American Civil War. Explore books, articles, or websites that discuss the issues surrounding the secession movement in the Southern states.

3. The nation's sixth president, John Quincy Adams, was chosen by the House of Representatives because no candidate won a majority of the electoral votes. The correct option is a) because no candidate won a majority of the electoral votes.

To find the answer, you can study the historical circumstances surrounding the election of 1824. Look for sources that explain how the electoral process worked at that time and why the House of Representatives had to play a role in deciding the presidency.

4. Jackson's presidency influenced the size of the American electorate by increasing it. Many states expanded access to the vote following the spirit of equality he championed.

To understand the impact of Jackson's presidency on the American electorate, research the expansion of voting rights and suffrage during his time in office. Look for information about specific acts or policies that led to a broader participation in elections, such as the elimination of property restrictions or the enfranchisement of previously excluded groups. Consult historical texts, articles, or reputable websites to gather the necessary information.