How do you factor out the GCF from each polynomial in this kind of problems

-336x3 + 288x

I mean t

-336x^3+ 288x

-48x(7x^2 - 6)

...|336 288
4 |84 72
4 | 21 18
3 | 7 6

The GCF of 336 and 288 = 4x4x3 = 48

To factor out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) from a polynomial, follow these steps:

1. Identify the GCF of the coefficients, which in this case is 48 (GCF of 336 and 288).

2. Write the GCF in front of a set of parentheses: 48(

3. Divide each term of the polynomial by the GCF and write it inside the parentheses. Make sure to divide both the coefficient and the variable term:
-336x^3 ÷ 48 = -7x^3
288x ÷ 48 = 6x

4. Write the result inside the parentheses: 48(-7x^3 + 6x)

So, the factored form of the polynomial -336x^3 + 288x is 48(-7x^3 + 6x).