A plant deprives of light dies. Which of the following best explains why this happens?

1-The plant needs light to make it's food
2-Light allows the plant to make food for other organisms
3-Without light, the plant has no signals to be able to grow*
4-Plants need light to reproduce

Google "photosynthesis".

So it's 1?



You are welcome :)

The best explanation for why a plant deprived of light dies is option 1: The plant needs light to make its food.

To understand why this is the case, we need to explore the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a vital process for plants, through which they convert light energy into chemical energy to produce glucose (a form of sugar). This process occurs in specialized structures called chloroplasts, which contain a pigment called chlorophyll.

During photosynthesis, plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. The glucose serves as the plant's source of energy, which is used for growth, metabolism, and other essential functions.

However, in the absence of light, the plant cannot perform photosynthesis effectively. Without photosynthesis, the plant cannot produce enough glucose to support its growth and survival. As a result, the plant's energy reserves become depleted, leading to the weakening and eventual death of the plant.

Therefore, it is essential for a plant to receive adequate light in order to carry out photosynthesis and generate the energy it needs to survive.