When finding area, When you divide a triangle or trapezoid, Do we do everything else first then divide or do we divide first?

divide last.

When finding the area of a triangle or trapezoid, the division is usually done as part of the calculation, and it typically happens after all the other necessary steps. Let's go through the general process for finding the area of these shapes:

1. Triangles:
- Start by measuring the base and height of the triangle.
- Multiply the base by the height.
- Divide the product by 2 to find the area.

2. Trapezoids:
- Begin by measuring the lengths of both bases (the longer and shorter sides) and the height of the trapezoid.
- Add the lengths of the two bases.
- Multiply the sum by the height.
- Divide the result by 2 to find the area.

In both cases, the division is the final step of the calculation, allowing you to obtain the area of the triangle or trapezoid.

Remember, the specific formulas for finding the area of these shapes are based on their respective geometric properties. It is crucial to use the correct formula for each shape to ensure accurate results.