These questions regard "From In My Place" by Charlayne Hunter-Gault.

1. How did Hunter-Gault respond when she learned that she would be suspended?

A: After learning that she was suspended, Hunter-Gault became “imbued with an unshakeable determination to take control of her destiny and force the South to abandon the wretched Jim Crow laws” (298).

2. With which statement does Hunter-Gault conclude her essay?

A: Hunter-Gault concludes her essay with the statement “But no one ever told me not to dream, and when the time came to act on that dream, I would not let anything stand in the way of fulfilling it” (298).

3. How does Hunter-Gault's chosen career connect with her experiences and dreams?

A: Hunter-Gault’s chosen career connects with her experience and dreams as journalism was once an undoable if not unthinkable dream in the South due to “the wretched Jim Crow laws” (298) that Hunter Gault was determined to rid the nation of. (I am not entirely certain about whether this answer is correct.)

I have no idea.

Is there anyone eslse who might be able to help me?

I doubt it, but if another tutor can help, he/she will respond.

#1 - Your questions mainly have to do with works that I'm not familiar with at all.

#2 - Many of the questions are opinion questions, for which there are no wrong answers as long as you can explain why you believe what you do.

To find the answers to these questions, you need to refer to the text "From In My Place" by Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to locate the answers:

1. For the first question, regarding Hunter-Gault's response to her suspension, start by finding the part in the text where she discusses this. Read through the essay and look for any mention of her reaction to being suspended. Once you find the relevant section, you should be able to answer the question.

2. To answer the second question about Hunter-Gault's concluding statement, go to the end of the essay and look for the last few sentences or paragraphs. This is where she is likely to summarize her main points and offer a concluding statement. Read this section carefully to identify the statement she makes to conclude her essay.

3. For the third question, which asks about the connection between Hunter-Gault's chosen career and her experiences and dreams, you will need to analyze the essay as a whole. Pay attention to any parts where she discusses her dreams, aspirations, or goals, as well as any sections where she talks about her career in journalism. Look for connections and ways in which her experiences and dreams align with her chosen career path.

Remember, it's important to read the text carefully and thoroughly to find the answers.