#3 was supposed to be....

Mutters und Vaters Kinder sind

A. meine Cousins
B. mein Geschwister
C. meine Schüler.
D. meine Geschwister.*****

This is the one I typed wrong last night - sorry about that...not sure on this one but I chose D....? Thanks for your help


Thank you Reiny...

No problem! Let's go through the question and the options to determine the correct answer.

The question states, "Mutters und Vaters Kinder sind," which translates to "Mother's and Father's children are."

Now, let's review the options:
A. meine Cousins - This translates to "my cousins." However, cousins do not necessarily have to be your siblings, so it might not be the correct answer.
B. mein Geschwister - This translates to "my siblings." It is a possibility.
C. meine Schüler - This translates to "my students." It doesn't seem to match the context of the question, so it is unlikely to be the correct answer.
D. meine Geschwister - This translates to "my siblings." It is similar to option B.

Based on the translations and the context of the question, options B and D both translate to "my siblings." Since your selected option is D and marked with asterisks, it seems that you believe option D is the correct answer.

Therefore, based on the language used and the context of the question, it is likely that the correct answer is D, "meine Geschwister" or "my siblings."