1.Mutters Sohn ist

A. meine Mutter.
B. mein Bruder.*****
C. meine Schwester.
D. meine Bruder.

2.Vaters Vater ist
A. mein Großvater.*****
B. meine Großmutter.
C. mein Vater.
D. mein Großvater.

3. Mutter und Vater sind
A. meine Cousins.
B. mein Geschwister.
C. meine Schüler.
D. meine Geschwister.*****

4. Mutter und Vater sind
A. meine Kinder
B. meine Eltern.*****
C. meine Familie.
D. meine Schüler.

5. Mein Cousins Schwester ist meine
A. Kusine.*****
B. Großmutter.
C. Tante.
D. Geschwister.

I marked my choices with *****
If someone could check these I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Not sure on #3 had B marked first...

Die Familienmitglieder Quiz - these answers are 100 percent correct, ill post a number to letter version right ater for those who want that instead, so scroll down a little bit more to see that!

Mutters Son ist
B - mein Bruder

Vaters Vater ist
A - mein GroBvater

Mutters und Vaters Kinder sind
D - meine Geschwister

Mutter und Vater sind
B - meine Eltern

Mein Cousins Schwester ist meine
A - Kusine

als - than
alter - older
Tante - aunt
Geschwister - siblings
Schwester - sister
Onkel - uncle
junger - younger
Geburtstag - birthday
Vater - father

5.1 - am funften Januar
26.7 - am sechsundzwanzigsten Juli
7.12 - am siebten Dezember
1.5 - am ersten Mai
3.3 - am dritten Marz
6.8 - der sechste August
10.11 - der zehnte November
11.10 - der elfte Oktober
4.6 - der vierte Juni

1 - B

2 - A
3 - D
4 - B
5 - A

6 - E
7 - F
8 - A
9 - G
10 - B
11 - H
12 - C
13 - I
14 - D

15 - B
16 - E
17 - D
18 - I
19 - G
20 - A
21 - C
22 - H
23 - F

Enjoy! credits go to gogle translate and reiny!

All correct except #3

I think you have a typo, since #3 is the same as #4
According to you choses answer of "meine Geschwister" , I will guess that it was:
mein Bruder und meine Schwester.

Just noticed that your opening phrase in #5 is a mix of English and German.

It should have been something like this:
Die Schwester meines Vetters ist (if the cousin was male)
Die Schwester meiner Kusine ist (if the cousin was female)

Reiny thank you so much - I will check the questions again. :)

Surprisingly #5 is just how the question is asked....no changes to it...I marked A

Sure, I can help you check your answers!

1. Mutters Sohn ist
You marked B. mein Bruder. That is the correct answer. Mutters Sohn refers to the son of the mother, which would be your brother.

2. Vaters Vater ist
You marked A. mein Großvater. That is the correct answer. Vaters Vater refers to the father's father, which is your grandfather.

3. Mutter und Vater sind
You marked D. meine Geschwister. That is incorrect. The correct answer is B. meine Eltern. Mutter und Vater means mother and father, which are your parents.

4. Mutter und Vater sind
You marked B. meine Eltern. That is the correct answer. Mutter und Vater refers to mother and father, which are your parents.

5. Mein Cousins Schwester ist meine
You marked A. Kusine. That is the correct answer. The sister of your cousin is your female cousin.

So, the corrected answer for question 3 is B. meine Eltern.