I have to answer some questions after reading a short story. I do not understand the question so can someone translate for me? A que plaza llego? Que habit? Como era?

I'm not Spanish, but I do understand it.

The answer is:
A place to get that?
That habit?
How was it?

HOPE that helps you!

Thanks but i meant habit instead of habit lol

I figured it out!

The questions you mentioned are in Spanish, and they can be translated to English as follows:

1. "A qué plaza llegó?" translates to "Which square did he/she arrive at?"
2. "Qué habit?" translates to "What room?"
3. "Cómo era?" translates to "How was it?"

These questions seem to be asking for specific details from the short story you read. To answer them, you should refer back to the story and look for information about the square, the room, and its description. Pay attention to any descriptive words or phrases that can help you provide accurate answers.