What is an appositive?


An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that provides more information about another noun or pronoun in a sentence. It is placed next to the noun or pronoun it modifies and provides additional description or clarification, often separated by commas. To understand what an appositive is, we can break it down into its components.

1. Identify the noun or pronoun in the sentence that the appositive provides information about.
- Example: "My sister, Jane, is a doctor."

2. Look for a noun or noun phrase that adds extra information or further identifies the noun or pronoun.
- Example: "Jane" is the appositive that provides additional information about the noun "my sister."

3. Observe that the appositive is usually set off by commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
- Example: "My sister, Jane, is a doctor."

By following these steps, you can identify and understand appositives in sentences.