In The Call of the Wild, when London writes about "what a puppet thing life is," it reflects the theme summarized in which of the following statements?

None, apparently.

To determine which statement summarizes the theme reflected in the phrase "what a puppet thing life is" in The Call of the Wild by Jack London, we need to analyze the context of the phrase and the overall themes of the book.

In The Call of the Wild, the main character is a dog named Buck, who undergoes a transformation from a domesticated dog to a wild, untamed creature. Throughout the novel, London explores themes such as the struggle between civilization and the wild, the innate instincts of animals, and the cruel realities of life.

The phrase "what a puppet thing life is" suggests a sense of powerlessness and a questioning of the purpose and control in life. This reflects the theme of the novel that life can often feel predetermined and uncontrollable, as Buck and other characters are subject to the whims of their human owners or the harsh reality of survival in the wilderness.

Now, to determine which statement summarizes this theme, we would need to review the available statements. Since the statements are not provided in your question, I would need you to provide the options or possible statements so that I can help you choose the correct one.