Some gardening books tell people to water their plants during the morning or the evening instead of during the sunniest , hottest part of the day . Why do you think books say this

A lot of the water will evaporate without reaching the roots.

A lot of the water will evaporate without reaching the roots.

Gardening books typically advise watering plants in the morning or evening to optimize the effectiveness of watering and to minimize stress on the plants. There are a few reasons for this recommendation:

1. Evaporation: Water applied during the hottest part of the day is prone to quick evaporation due to high temperatures and sunlight. When water evaporates rapidly, it doesn't have enough time to penetrate the soil and be absorbed by the plant's roots. Watering in the morning or evening allows the water to soak into the soil thoroughly before the heat of the day, reducing evaporation loss and ensuring the plants receive an adequate water supply.

2. Water Stress: Watering plants during the hottest part of the day can cause thermal shock to the plant's leaves, especially if the water is too cold. This sudden change in temperature can lead to stress, wilting, or even damage to the leaf tissues. Similarly, watering when the sun is shining intensely can cause water droplets on the leaves to act as magnifying glasses, intensifying the sunlight and potentially burning the foliage.

3. Fungal Diseases: Watering in the morning or evening helps to minimize the occurrence of fungal diseases. Watering during these cooler times allows the foliage to dry off before nightfall, reducing the chance of fungal spores infecting the plant. High humidity, combined with warm temperatures, is an ideal environment for fungal growth, so it's best to avoid watering when the conditions are most favorable for diseases.

To summarize, watering plants during the morning or evening improves water absorption, minimizes stress on the plants, and reduces the risk of fungal diseases. It ensures that the water supply is effectively utilized and maximizes the overall health and vitality of the garden.