The length of the highway is 500 miles. If 1 inch represents 100 miles, what is the length of the highway on the map?

If on a scale drawing 55 feet are represented by 20 inches, then a scale of 1/8 inch represents how many feet?

If 1 inch represents 55 miles on a map, then how many inches will represent 1800 miles

2. Here's my solution.

55/20 = x/0.125
20x = 6.875
x = 0.34375

3. Correct

500/100 = 5

5 * 1 = 5 inches

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two problems.

Thank you for the 2nd one I got

on the 3rd one I got 32.7272


The length of the road is 600 miles. if one is represents 3 miles what is the length of the road?

To find the length of the highway on the map, you can set up a proportion using the given scale.

Since 1 inch represents 100 miles, you can write the proportion as:

1 inch / 100 miles = x inches / 500 miles

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply:

100 miles * x inches = 1 inch * 500 miles

Divide both sides by 100 miles:

x inches = (1 inch * 500 miles) / 100 miles

Simplify the expression:

x inches = 5 inches

Therefore, the length of the highway on the map is 5 inches.

For the second question, you are given that 55 feet is represented by 20 inches. To find out how many feet are represented by 1/8 inch, you can set up a proportion:

55 feet / 20 inches = x feet / (1/8) inch

To solve for x, cross-multiply:

20 inches * x feet = 55 feet * (1/8) inch

Simplify the expression:

20x = 55/8

Divide both sides by 20:

x = (55/8) / 20

Simplify further:

x = 55/(8*20)

x = 55/160

x = 0.34375 feet

Therefore, 1/8 inch represents approximately 0.34375 feet.

For the final question, if 1 inch represents 55 miles on a map, you can set up a proportion:

1 inch / 55 miles = x inches / 1800 miles

Cross-multiply to solve for x:

55 miles * x inches = 1 inch * 1800 miles

Divide both sides by 55 miles:

x inches = (1 inch * 1800 miles) / 55 miles


x inches = 32.7273 inches

Therefore, approximately 32.73 inches will represent 1800 miles on the map.