The product of two integers is between -20 and -25. What are the integers? Give 5 answers.

-7 and +3 for example

-8 and 3

To find the integers whose product is between -20 and -25, we can start by listing all possible pairs of integers whose product falls within this range.

Let's go step by step:

1. Start by listing the factors of -25: {-1, 1, -5, 5, -25, 25}.
2. Next, check each pair of factors to find the ones whose product falls within the given range.

a. For -1, -25: (-1) x (-25) = 25, which is not within the given range.

b. For 1, -5: (1) x (-5) = -5, which is within the given range.

c. For -1, 5: (-1) x 5 = -5, which is within the given range.

d. For 1, -25: (1) x (-25) = -25, which is within the given range.

e. For -5, -5: (-5) x (-5) = 25, which is not within the given range.

f. For 5, 5: (5) x (5) = 25, which is not within the given range.

g. For -5, -25: (-5) x (-25) = 125, which is not within the given range.

h. For 5, -5: (5) x (-5) = -25, which is within the given range.

i. For -25, -5: (-25) x (-5) = 125, which is not within the given range.

3. From the pairs that have a product within the given range, we get the following combinations of integers:

- Pair 1: (1, -5)
- Pair 2: (-1, 5)
- Pair 3: (1, -25)
- Pair 4: (5, -5)

Therefore, we have found four pairs of integers whose product is between -20 and -25: (1, -5), (-1, 5), (1, -25), (5, -5).
