1. Legal requirements, suppliers and distributors, competitors, and market profiles are contained in the ( ) element of your business plan.

A. introduction
B. business information
C. industry
D. operating plant

2. Rachel plans to set up a beautifully furnished office for her interior decorating business. She will describe it in her business plan under the heading
A. Current Trends.
B. Marketing Profile.
C. Inventory.
D. Processes.

2 is B

4 is B

2. is B for sure

what is 1

And these as well..

3. What is the best way to put together a business plan?
A. Concentrate on the section that you know most about.
B. Give your full attention to each section, without distraction.
C. Develop the plan as a whole so that it's unified.
D. Prepare the introduction and overview first so you have some direction.
C or D?

4. Whether you operate your business from a small office at home or in a large plant environment, it's still referred to as your
A. regulatory requirement.
B. office building.
C. market.
D. operating plant.

#1 Is C. Industry.


It's not D.
In the study guide it says to prepare the introduction and overview last.
It's not B. I used that in my test and it was wrong.
I'm stuck between C and A.

I don't know 2 or 4.

1 is industry i think...??