When does body image typically become a concern for boys?

A. When playing with friends in the neighborhood
B. When they struggle with body changes
C. When they fail a test at school
D. All of the above

B: When they struggle with body changes.

Answer is B.

When they struggle with body changes.

To determine when body image typically becomes a concern for boys, let's go through each option:

A. When playing with friends in the neighborhood: While body image may be influenced by social interactions with friends, it typically does not become a major concern for boys at this stage. Playing with friends in the neighborhood focuses more on physical activity and socializing rather than body image concerns.

B. When they struggle with body changes: This is a more likely scenario when body image becomes a concern for boys. Body changes during puberty, such as growth spurts, facial hair, and muscle development, can potentially lead to body image concerns as boys compare themselves to their peers or societal ideals.

C. When they fail a test at school: Failing a test at school does not directly relate to body image concerns for boys. Academic performance is a separate domain that may impact self-esteem and overall well-being, but it is unlikely to be a primary factor in body image concerns.

D. All of the above: Based on the previous explanations, it is evident that not all of the options contribute to body image concerns for boys. Therefore, the correct answer is not D, "All of the above."

In conclusion, option B, "When they struggle with body changes," is the most accurate answer as this is when boys typically become more aware and concerned about their body image.