Peter is throwing a surprise party for his friend Tammy. He has a budget of $350. If the restaurant charges $20 per person for drinks and food and a cleanup fee of $35, what is the maximum number of people that he can invite to stay within budget? Write and solve an inequality. Hint: Don’t forget to include both Peter and Tammy as guests

350>20*P + 35+ 2*35

Sarah has two part time job and needs o earn at least $300 total per week jobA pays her $10 an hour and job B pays$ 7.50 an hour Write an inequality that represent this scenario. Name and label your variables, such as job A=x

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation that represents Peter's budget.

Let's assume the maximum number of people Peter can invite is represented by the variable "x".

The cost per person for drinks and food is $20, so for "x" guests, the cost for food and drinks would be 20x dollars.

Peter and Tammy are also guests, so we need to add 2 to the total number of guests.

The total cost for drinks and food, including Peter and Tammy, would be (20x + 2) dollars.

In addition to the cost of drinks and food, there is a cleanup fee of $35.

So, the total cost, including the cleanup fee, would be (20x + 2) + 35 dollars.

According to the problem, the total cost must not exceed Peter's budget, which is $350.

We can write this as an inequality: (20x + 2) + 35 ≤ 350.

Now we can solve this inequality to find the maximum number of guests "x" that Peter can invite.

On simplifying the inequality, we get 20x + 37 ≤ 350.

Subtracting 37 from both sides, we have 20x ≤ 313.

Dividing both sides by 20, we get x ≤ 15.65.

Since we can't have a fraction of a person, the maximum number of people Peter can invite is 15.

Therefore, the maximum number of people Peter can invite, while staying within budget, is 15 (including Peter and Tammy).